[accordian][toggle title="Our Company Mission"]Fugiat dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, mauris sit condim eser ntumsi nibh, uum a justo vitaes amet risus amets un. Posi sectetut amet fermntum orem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia nons.[/toggle] [toggle title="The Avada Philosophy"]Fugiat dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, mauris sit condim eser ntumsi nibh, uum a justo vitaes amet risus amets un. Posi sectetut amet fermntum orem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia nons.[/toggle] [toggle title="The Avada Promise"]Fugiat dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, mauris sit condim eser ntumsi nibh, uum a justo vitaes amet risus amets un. Posi sectetut amet fermntum orem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia nons.[/toggle] [toggle title="We Can Deliver On Projects"]Fugiat dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, mauris sit condim eser ntumsi nibh, uum a justo vitaes amet risus amets un. Posi sectetut amet fermntum orem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia nons.[/toggle][/accordian]

Improving the Efficiency of an Air Conditioning System

There are many ways to increase the energy efficiency of an air conditioning system. Some of the strategies can be implemented by the average homeowner while others require a specialist to implement the strategy. If successfully implemented, some of these strategies can significantly improve both the performance and energy efficiency of the system as well as its lifespan. The following are some tips you may want to try:

i) Filter Replacement

While this may seem like a simple task, only experienced professionals should open up the AC to replace the air filter. This will help to improve the quality of air indoors. After all, filters usually trap a lot of dust and airborne impurities, which might contaminate air when it gets clogged. The new filter will also make it easier for air to flow past the filter, thereby improving the energy efficiency of the system.

ii) Duct Sealing

The average homeowner can use normal duct tape to seal gaps and holes in the air ducts to prevent cooled air from escaping into unwanted spaces thereby increasing the energy losses in the system. As the air moves through the ductwork, it may suck in impurities and air contaminants from the surroundings. To minimize energy losses and improve indoor air quality, be sure to hire a reliable HVAC company, such as C.P.R. A/C & HEAT to properly seal your air ducts.

iii) Proper Insulation

Air ducts are made from sheet metal, so they are highly conductive. Poor insulation of the air ducts, therefore, can lead to energy losses. Ideally, the air ducts should be properly insulated with the appropriate insulating material to ensure no energy is lost. C.P.R. A/C & HEAT company has NATE-certified technicians who will take care of all your air conditioning needs. They are experienced and trusted by local residents, so you can expect them to take care of your air conditioning system.

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