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Check These 9 “Do-It-Yourself” Things For Signs Your System Is Inefficient
  • Check the owner’s manual to see if the blower motor should be lubricated. If it hasn’t, it needs to be.
  • Check all hose connections for leaks.
  • Keep outside plants at least one foot away for adequate airflow around the entire unit.
  • Vacuum registers and air vents regularly.
  • Keep furniture and drapes away from registers.
  • Inspect belts to see if they’re frayed.
  • Check flues or vents for cracks or blockages.
  • Check the condensate drain to make sure it is properly attached and flowing freely and inspect for mold and bacteria.
  • Clean or change your filter. This is especially important during the summer when dust and allergens circulate. Most dealers recommend changing disposal filters once a month or cleaning reusable filters every other month.

Remember to read your owner’s manual carefully before doing any maintenance work, and always shut off power at the service panel first.

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Furnace tune-ups save up to 10 percent or more on heating bills; sealing ductwork reduces air leakage by 15 percent and heating bills from 3 to 10 percent.